Bits are digital content (i.e., animated emoticons) that can only be purchased from Twitch. Twitch initially introduced Bits as a way for viewers to celebrate moments and express appreciation for others and events; we refer to this as Cheering. And now we have Bits in Extensions; opening-up a host of other experiences - whether throwing Bits at a growing pet to voting on a particular level to play.
We want to build a positive experience with Bits on Twitch for creators and their community. One way to do that is to introduce a common understanding of how Bits can serve the community on Twitch, in addition to identifying activities that are not appropriate with Bits. Publishing this Acceptable Use Policy (“Policy” or “AUP”) is a step in that direction.
This Policy applies to any Twitch broadcaster or viewer that purchases, obtains, interacts with, or otherwise uses Bits, including Bits in Extensions. We may change this Policy from time to time with such changes effective upon posting online or otherwise providing you an updated version. We encourage you to review this Policy on a regular basis.
Your use of Bits is further subject to and governed by Twitch’s Terms of Service, Twitch’s Terms of Sale, and Community Guidelines. In the event of a conflict between this Policy and those agreements, this Policy shall control. If you are a developer, your use of Bits in Extensions is also subject to Twitch’s Developer Services Agreement.
Usage Guidelines
Two ground rules to orient your Bits experience. Keep these principles in mind whether you are a creator, viewer, or any other party:
Bits are not a money instrument
Bits are digital content intended to be purchased and consumed on Twitch, and do not serve as a currency.
Bits cannot be directly exchanged for items or services of value
Don’t engage in an exchange of Bits for items or services that typically are associated with a cost or value. Communities can gather to achieve a goal that unlocks a benefit or experience for the community (explained further below). Creators can also announce benefits in response to individual Cheers, however, in each of those scenarios, the activity does not provide a return of anything of value.
That said, we encourage you to do the following with Bits:
Now the Don’ts that constitute violations of this policy:
Anuncis per Bits
De tant en tant, Twitch pot oferir l'oportunitat de veure un anunci a canvi de Bits. Aquestes oportunitats poden estar limitades per l'inventari de publicitat de tercers o altres elements, i Twitch no garanteix que hi haurà Bits disponibles en tot moment o en un moment donat. Us recordem que aquest AUP s'aplica als Bits que podeu obtenir d'aquestes oportunitats. Per tant, no haurieu d'utilitzar Anuncis per Bits com a mitjà per obtenir Bits per animar el vostre propi canal, com ara la creació de comptes destinats a l'ús d'Anuncis per Bits. Els Bits no estan dissenyats per transferir diners. Tampoc no podeu utilitzar robots, ni cap altre mitjà automatitzat, per obtenir Bits utilitzant la funció Anuncis per Bits; aquesta activitat està prohibida.
Infraccions d'aquesta política
Qualsevol infracció o intent d'infracció d'aquesta Política per part vostra (o de qualsevol tercer que actuï en el vostre nom) constituirà una infracció de les Condicions de Servei, inclosa aquesta Política, per part vostra i un incompliment substancial de qualsevol altre acord de Twitch aplicable, i/o complement de qualssevol acords aplicables.
A més, la infracció podrà donar lloc a responsabilitat civil o penal, i Twitch podrà cancel·lar immediatament el permís per a que utilitzeu Bits, a la seva exclusiva discreció, a més d'exercitar qualsevol altre acció legalment prevista o en equitat. Twitch podrà iniciar accions legals per prohibir infraccions i/o cobrar els danys causats per qualsevol infracció de qualsevol part de l' AUP.
El fet que Twitch no exerceixi o faci complir l'AUP en cada cas en el qual podria ser d'aplicació no constituirà una renúncia dels drets de Twitch.