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Creator Camp

在您的 Xbox Series X 或 Xbox Series S 上开始直播

  1. 使用移动设备或电脑创建一个 Twitch 账户 。我们建议您在 iOS 或 Android 系统的手机上下载 Twitch。借助 Twitch 移动应用程序中的直播管理器,您可以轻松地即时调整直播设置。

  2. 自定义您的频道,这样当观众发现您的页面时,就能认识并了解您!您可以在移动设备上修改个人资料照片和简介,并且能够使用网络浏览器自定义更多设置。我们在 个人品牌 中创建了完整的“创作者营地”页面,以显示可让您在频道页面中进行自定义的所有地方,借此来凸显您和您的品牌。

  1. 在开始直播之前,建议您使用浏览器登录账户,并更改 管理和安全 设置,以确保用户在访问您成长中的社区时,能得到积极正面的体验。您可以将 AutoMod 这款优秀的工具作为您的第一道管理防线,它会检测聊天中被标记为不恰当的信息,并阻止它们显示,直到您或管理员审核并批准为止。您也可以更新设置,在频道的自动过滤列表内添加自定义的单词或短语。

Streaming from the Xbox Series X or S:

Pog Tip: For maximum searchability and follower engagement, we recommend using the Twitch iOS or Android app so you can select a custom go-live notification and add in additional tags.

  1. Press “Select Broadcasting” and you’re now live! Please note that only gameplay is broadcast while live. If a game is not in focus while broadcasting, such as if you return to the Dashboard, the Store, or check your messages, a “pause loop” will be shown to the viewers.

  2. To stop streaming, press the Xbox button on your controller, navigate to the Capture & Share tab, and then select “Stop Broadcasting”.

Personalize Your Console Stream

To increase the quality of your Xbox streams, we recommend upgrading your audio and visuals. The quality of your audio is critical in helping you connect with viewers. If you’re interested in adding a webcam to your stream, you’ll need to purchase a compatible camera.

To add more engaging elements to your stream, there are options outside of streaming console games via a Streaming PC or Capture Card.


To use either Lightstream or Streamlabs Console, a paid subscription is required.

By following the steps outlined above, you can set up and stream from your Xbox Series X/S on Twitch in no time. Please note that the recent updates regarding native Xbox streaming options for Xbox Series X/S are current.

This guide is just the beginning of your Twitch journey and we’re so glad to see you on your way! Your path as a content creator is unique, whether you’re streaming on Twitch as a hobby or wanting to make it a full time gig. There is no pressure to plan the perfect stream. 

For more tips on how to improve your stream make sure you check out more articles on the Creator Camp!

*需要连接互联网以通过 Twitch 观看或创建直播。